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Overview A color can be interpreted very differently each time it is combined with a different color.
Red Worn by the emperors to worship the sun; red is generally the color of joy and festive occasions.

Black on red: Happiness
Gold on red: Special happiness
Red on blue: Old mourning
Red on green: Happiness
Red on white: Important notice
Red on yellow: Royal
White on red: Good luck
White Worn by emperors to worship the moon; associated with burial ceremonies and mourning.

Blue on white: Devil's color
Gold on white: Aristocratic
Red on white: Important notice
White on black: Historic
White on blue or black: Lower class mourning
White on red: Good luck
White on yellow: Buddhistic
Yellow on white: Holy
Blue Worn by the emperors to worship the sky.

Black on blue: Low class
Blue on black: Evil spirit
Blue on green: Women's color
Blue on white: Devil's color
Blue on yellow: Old mourning
Red on blue: Old mourning
White on blue or black: Lower class mourning
Yellow on blue: Divine
Black Black on blue: Low class
Black on red: Happiness (used for wedding invitations).
Black on yellow: Religious
Blue on black: Evil spirit
Gold on black: Old man's death
White on black: Historic
White on blue or black: Lower class mourning
Yellow on black: Old man's death
Gold Gold on black: Old man's death
Gold on red: Special happiness
Gold on white: Aristocratic
Gold on yellow: Imperial
Green Blue on green: Women's colors
Red on green: Happiness
Yellow on green: First class
Yellow Worn by emperors to worship the sky; symbolizes earth, honor and imperial dignity.

Black on yellow: Religious
Blue on yellow: Old mourning
Gold on yellow: Special happiness
Red on yellow: Royal
White on yellow: Buddhistic
Yellow on black: Old man's death
Yellow on blue: Divine
Yellow on green: First class
Yellow on white: Holy
Purple Worn by literary and educated figures.
Source: Japan Color, Ikko Tanaka & Kazuko Koike, 1882.